[BinEd]  BinEd - Binary / Hex Editor
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Addons can be installed in editor application via Tools / Addon Manager.

Addons: Browse

[ICON]Options Support Module
Module to provide support for application options

[ICON]Material icon set
Material icon set

[ICON]Language support
Module to support language

[ICON]FlatLaf look and feel
Module to provide FlatLaf look and feel

[ICON]User interface
Module for user interface handling

[ICON]Utilities Module
Module to provide various utilities

[ICON]Addon Manager
Module to manage addons

[ICON]VAqua look and feel
Module to provide VAqua look and feel

[ICON]TinyLaf look and feel
Module to provide TinyLaf look and feel

[ICON]Portuguese language
Portuguese language plugin

[ICON]Vietnamese language
Vietnamese language plugin

[ICON]Indonesian language
Indonesian language plugin

[ICON]Polish language
Polish language plugin

[ICON]Swedish language
Swedish language plugin

[ICON]Russian language
Russian language plugin

[ICON]Italian language
Italian language plugin

[ICON]Finnish language
Finnish language plugin

[ICON]BinEd Bouncycastle Support
Support for data conversions using Bouncycastle cryptographic library

[ICON]Darcula look and feel
Module to provide Darcula look and feel

[ICON]Napkin look and feel
Module to provide Napkin look and feel

[ICON]Substance look and feel
Module to provide Substance look and feel